Waiting for that day to come.
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Cynthia Derrick ELDDS! Jie Heng Joelene Kah Fong Project:Hope Rachel Ser Ern Yunjie those who want me to link you, let me know again <3
Sunday, November 28, 2010, 11:51 PM
Hello! Lol made a promise to blog this week, so here I am. Lol. Today has been a rather gloomy day, either due to the rain or because I haven't got enough sleep thanks to the stupid printer that made me stay up till 3am. Anyway if you're reading my blog posts, you should already know that I'm flying off for Brunei soon, on flight MI 381 which will be leaving Singapore at 1am Tuesday morning. Will be there for training, and you're probably quite clueless about what I'm going to do there, so let me share a bit of what I know, or what I think is going to happen. Haha. So if I'm not wrong, the first week will be infantry training, so I'll be doing outfield training, and all these missions. Should be quite tiring lol. After this we will transit to survival training, where they'll refresh with us what we learnt about surviving in the jungle. And here comes the most exciting part about the Brunei trip, which is the Jungle Confidence Course (JCC)! so JCC is a 9 day course which consists of 2 parts, navigation and survival. Throughout the course, we'll be given only 2 days worth of rations and move off with minimal equipment, though our field packs will still be rather heavy. We'll start of with working in teams of 7 or 8, and start to find our way through the unforgiving jungle of Brunei. After 3 days, we'll then proceed to the survival phase where we at dropped off at our own survival sites alone and we are to build stuff like our shelter, traps and such. This will last another 3 days, and then for the last 3 days, we'll continue with our navigation and climb hills, and the highlight will be Mt. Biang. Do a google yourself on how high it is, but thankfully I won't be climbing all the way to the top lol. So, Cynthia, hope to see you in Brunei as soon as possible! HAHA. Cus after that I'll be back in no time, and my flight MI 382 will land in Singapore at 3am in the morning -.- Like who else other than every one else's parents will come and pick them at this timing right. Haha. BYE GUYS! HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL SOON! lol-ing at my calender now, quite glad that its quite packed lol. i'll probably miss you as well. Friday, October 29, 2010, 5:30 PM
yoohoo! its block leave, and apparently i'm too free so i'm here, posting something related to what i did today lol -.- went for lunch with my sister, came home and watched a movie with her. based in verona, italy, where I went when I was Europe! ![]() "'What' and ‘if’ two words as non threatening as words come. But put -Letters to Juliet hmmm.. Saturday, October 09, 2010, 4:51 PM
and so social night's over! thank god cynthia agreed to come along, or else i wouldn't have a partner and i'll end up signing 7 extras LOL. ya, thats the reason why people are kind of desperate for one, and like how Jun Rong almost got bastard-ed by his friend. see, i bet all the girls that said no, or last minute decided not to come didn't know that. then we were thinking, wa what if the girl on the day itself said she's not feeling well so she's not coming LOL. so cynthia, thanks for coming once again HAHA. service term is also coming to an end! and wa, to think about it thats quite a lot of shit lol. all the field camps, Ex. Centipede, Ex. Scorpion King, all the training and the tekan. And we'll have more coming up in the next half a year in OCS LOL. so a lot to look forward to. whats left is the 23km route march to elephant hill and we'll get our 3 stripes, be called senior and might get to turn our juniors who are coming next monday out at the end of their CLM :x hope i'll be able to tahan pro term and be able to go to JCC! and lemme end this post with a song that's stuck in everyone's head in the platoon~ Saturday, June 05, 2010, 10:39 PM
hello people~ back from field camp for 2 weeks already, and going outfield for another time next week -.- SO I WONT BE BOOKING OUT NEXT WEEKKKK. the price to pay for going to command school, when I don't even know whether I'll be able to get in not lol. anyway, since I'm still alive, field camp obviously haven't killed me LOL. was super suay la, for it to rain 5 days out of my 5 days outfield.. caused most of our shellscrapes to become swimming pools.. let me be lazy here and just post my reflections here LOL.
not to forget, I took a total of 5 hours and 50 mins to finish my shell scrape, including frequent breaks in between until I decided it was good enough for me though not up to standard lol. and there was F1 at night thanks to all the mosquitoes that flew around my ears -.- and if you don't see me posting here like in a few weeks time, I'm probably killed after my live grenade throwing next week LOL. till then, BYE! Friday, May 28, 2010, 12:48 PM
Sunday, May 16, 2010, 12:28 AM
weeee. i'm just reporting here before going for my field camp on monday, so pardon me if i dont reply your messages because obviously i can't~ hope i make it out in one piece lol. I DONT WANT TO DIE SINGLE SINCE THE DAY I WAS BORN LOL. to borrow your line, probably ignorance is bliss~ Sunday, May 09, 2010, 8:07 PM
lol i'm now on my way to the ferry terminal.. anyway, i realised i've been in tekong for 2 months already.. time flies! haha. just to commemorate this week, let me recap some of the stuff that happened.. 1. Jason fractured his arm while doing pull ups during IPPT. damn scary, esp the "pop" sound that could be heard a few metres away. didnt feel right after the incident while i was starting to run my 2.4km. 2. I still can't do a single pull up LOL. after so long i ought to do 1 or 2 right.. but no -.- and i confidently told my PC that I'll be able to pass my IPPT by the end of BMT. for those who dont know, to pass IPPT, i'll need to do 6. what was I thinking! guess the lure of command school totally clouded my judgement.. or that'll be one of the reasons i'll want to train harder.. for command school.. 3. lol i went to ask around, and i realised i play a rather important role in camp, since i'm one of the toilet cleaners and an assistant in the armskote, so the guys were rather shorthanded esp in armskote since i was responsible for doing all the paper work. not forgetting, i'm one of the few people enthusiastic enough to want to sing during route marches.. so during the 6km that i missed, i heard it was quite boring lol. SO. i'm quite glad i'm somehow missed by the people inside. i dont know, i think its just a thing for human beings to want to be missed by other people, isnt it? haha. i guess that's about it? this coming week is live firing, and the week after this will be field camp already, will be the best time to get confinements.. hopefully i wont get them since i love my weekends, although for most of the time i dont have anything to do since apparently no one wants to go out with me except my parents lol. and joelene who's desperately trying to organise our primary sch gathering LOL. so.. i'll try my best to make sure that my rifle isnt pointing at my commanders, and that i dont be a kan chiong spider and not misfire before they give us the instruction to do so, or else i'll be sucking thumb in camp without having anything to do.. this shall be the end of my what, 4th post of the week? lol whats wrong with me, haha the sudden feel to blog lol. i'm like desperately wanting people to know what i'm going through lol. OH YA. AS DESPERATE AS I MIGHT SOUND, TODAY'S THE FIRST TIME I ATE CHICKEN RICE SINCE I ENLISTED LOL. so bye! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! though no mothers will be reading my blog lol. lol nothing to say in white once again HAHA. |